Count-Min-Log : some graphs

I’ve made a few experiments to have a look at the behaviour of the Count-Min-Log Sketch with Max sampling. Here are some interesting comparisons between classical Count-Min (the graphs show both the usual CM algorithm and the Conservative Update version), and Count-Min-Log.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ve chosen to limit to one setting in terms of memory use : in every sketch we use the same number of bits (here, 4 vectors of 4000*32 bits). I have also just shown the result of 8 bits Count-Min-Log (i.e. with base 1.095) with or without the progressive base (PRG).

Let’s start by the results under heavy pressure. Here we have 8 millions events in an initial vocabulary of 640,000 elements. The values are plotted for each decile of the vocabulary (i.e. on the left is the first 10th of the vocabulary with the lowest number of occurrences).


Average Relative Error per decile for high pressure setting.

Root mean square error per decile for high pressure setting.

Root mean square error per decile for high pressure setting.

Now for the low pressure setting, still with 4 vectors of 4000*32bits for everyone, but this time the initial vocabulary is only 10000 and the number of events is about 100k.

Average Relative Error per decile for low pressure setting.

Average Relative Error per decile for low pressure setting.


Root mean square error per decile for low pressure setting.

Root mean square error per decile for low pressure setting.

Conclusion, for equal memory footprint, Count-Min-Log seems to clearly outperform classical Count-Min for high pressure settings, both for RMSE and ARE, with the exception of the RMSE for the top 10% highest frequency events. Under low pressure, it is clear that top 20-30% highest frequency items counts are significantly degraded.

I think that for any NLP-related task, Count-Min-Log is always a clear winner. For other applications, where the highest frequency are the most interesting, the gain may be negative, given the results on the high pressure setting. It will depend whether you care about ARE or RMSE.

Count-Min-Log Sketch for improved Average Relative Error on low frequency events

Count-Min sketch is a great algorithm, but it has a tendency to overestimate low frequency items when dealing with highly skewed data, at least it’s the case on zipfian data. Amit Goyal had some nice ideas to work around this, but I’m not that fund of the whole scheme he sets up to reduce the frequency of the rarest cells.

I’m currently thinking about a whole new and radical way to deal with text mining, and I’ve been hitting repeatedly a wall while trying to figure out how I could be able to count the occurrences of a very very high number of different elements. The point is, what I’m interested in is abolutely not to count accurately the number of occurrences of high frequency items, but to get the order of magnitude.

I’ve come to realize that, using Count-Min (or, for that matter, Count-Min with conservative update), I obtain an almost exact count for high frequency items, but a completely off value when looking at low frequency (or zero-frequency) items.

To deal with that, I’ve realized that would should try to weight our available bits. In Count-Min, counting from 0 to 1 is valued as much as counting from 2147483647 to 2147483648, while, frankly, no one cares whether it’s 2147483647 or just 2000000000, right ?

So I’ve introduced an interesting variation to the standard Count-Min Sketch, a variation which could, I think, be of high value for many uses, including mine. The idea is very simple, instead of using 32bits counters to count from 0 to 4294967295, we can use 8 bits counters to count from 0 to (approximately) 4294967295. This way, we can put 4 times more counters with the same number of bits, the risk of collisions is four times less, and thus, low frequency items are much less overestimated.

If you’re wondering how you can use a 8 bit counter to count from 0 to (approximately) 4294967295, just read this. It’s a log count using random sampling to increment the counter.

But it’s not all, first we can use the same very clever improvement to the standard Count-Min sketch which is called conservative update.

And additionaly, we can add a sample bias to the log-increment rule, which basically state that, if we’re at the bottom of the distribution, then probably we are going to be overestimated, then we should undersample.

Finally, we can have a progressive log base (for instance when the raw counter value is 1, the next value will be 1+1^1.1, but when the raw counter is 2, the next value will be 1+1^1.1+1^1.2). Zipfian distribution is not a power law, so why not go one step further..

The results are quite interesting. Obviously the absolute error is way worst than the absolute error of a standard Count-Min. The Average Relative Error, however, is about 10 times less with different settings.

Here is the code :

And the results (1.1 million events, 60K elements, zipfian 1.01, the sketches are 8 vectors of 5000*32 bits)

Sketch Conservative Max Sample Progressive Base RMSE ARE
Count-Min NO - - - 0.160 11.930
Count-Min YES - - - 0.072 6.351
Count-MinLog YES YES NO 1.045 (9 bits) 0.252 0.463
Count-MinLog YES YES YES 1.045 (9 bits) 0.437 0.429
Count-MinLog YES YES NO 1.095 (8 bits) 0.449 0.524
Count-MinLog YES YES YES 1.095 (8 bits) 0.245 0.372
Count-MinLog YES YES NO 1.19 (7 bits) 0.582 0.616
Count-MinLog YES YES YES 1.19 (7 bits) 0.677 0.405